Snoozing is Losing: How Eliminating the Snooze Button Will Increase Productivity at Work

Jun 3, 2019

Is snoozing your morning alarm a daily habit of yours?

If your answer is yes, you are not doing yourself any good!

Simply put, hitting snooze and falling back asleep repeatedly each morning is bad for you.

When you finally rise from bed, you feel disoriented from being jolted out of sleep so many times. A typical sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes, and includes 5 different stages. While snoozing, you fall back into a sleep cycle which is all but impossible for your brain to complete. Therefore, those extra 10 or 20 minutes you decided to fall back into a slumber have trapped your brain into a state called “sleep inertia.” In this state, decision making, judgment, mood and focus are all negatively affected. It can take up to 4 hours for your brain to shake off sleep inertia. Though temporary, the negative consequences of sleep inertia can be eliminated by getting up right away! A simple change in habit can revitalize not only your morning, but your entire day.

Are you sick of hitting snooze, waking up in a panic to get out the door and finding yourself less focused and productive during the day? Imagine if every day, you had the energy and excitement to get right out of bed, like it’s Christmas morning? The simple action of getting up immediately when the alarm goes off – and most importantly making this a daily habit – will improve your productivity and focus throughout the day. Science has explained the harmful effects of snoozing related to cognitive function, which explains why you feel groggy each morning. This no longer has to be your norm, as there are countless strategies to help you kick the habit.


Six simple strategies you can incorporate right now:

  • Put your alarm out of reach

    If you physically need to get on your feet to turn off your alarm, you will be more likely to keep moving.

  • Have a reason to wake up

    This can include looking forward to a cup of coffee, a healthy breakfast, sitting in meditation, stretching, or however else you like to relax before getting ready for the day. Also, realize that waking up right away will give you time to complete something you enjoy without rushing. This in itself is bliss.

  • Switch it up

    Why not use a song as your alarm or consider switching your alarm sound every week? This will prevent your brain from building ‘immunity’ to the sound of your alarm.

  • Stimulate your Other Senses

    Letting light in helps your brain realize it’s time to wake up and stay awake. Set your diffuser to release a lively scent or set your coffee machine to brew around the time you plan to wake up.

  • Follow a Sleep Schedule

    Aim to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This will set an internal clock within your body that will make it much easier to hop out of bed the first time around.

  • Understand How Your Sleep Cycle Works

    Using sleep tracking apps and devices such as Fitbit or SleepScore can be a great way to monitor the patterns of your sleep cycle. This will allow you to schedule your alarm at a time that you are will not be in the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) section of your cycle. You may also learn that you have to go to bed earlier so that you have more time to complete the cycles before waking up.

If you are conditioned to snoozing every day, the first step is to teach your brain to think of the alarm differently. Instead of expecting to snooze, you must now condition yourself to wake up fully when the alarm goes off! The positive results you’ll feel once you stop snoozing will no trickle into other aspects of your life. Success first thing in the morning feels good and will allow you to carry out the day with more focus, productivity and energy.

You snooze, you lose – it’s just not worth it! 

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